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Who needs a booster shot?

By Beatrice Thomas

The State Government has made a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for most WA workers. 

But with deadlines for the third jab varying between different workers, understanding key dates is critical for businesses. 

COVID vaccine
Who needs a booster vaccine? 

On December 22, 2021, the State Government announced that any worker who falls within the current vaccine mandates must also receive a booster vaccination within one calendar month of becoming eligible. 

Under current Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) advice, people become eligible for a booster shot three months after the second dose of their COVID-19 vaccine. 

The health directions state that

Employees who are already eligible for their booster must provide proof of vaccination by February 5, or one month after they become eligible, whichever is the latter. Relevant staff who have not received their booster and do not have an exemption must not enter or remain on site.

Key dates 

  • If the vaccination directed person is eligible to receive a booster vaccination at December 24, 2021, the person is to be administered the booster vaccination by February 5, 2022; 
  • If the vaccination directed person becomes eligible to receive a booster vaccination after December 24, 2021, the person is to be administered the booster vaccination within one calendar month of becoming eligible; or by 5 February 2022, whichever is the latter. 

Currently, employees are eligible for their booster injection:  

  • Between December 24, 2021 until 3 January, 2022 — where it has been five months from the date they became fully vaccinated (i.e. received their second vaccination); 
  • Between January 4, 2022 until January 30, 2022 — where it has been four months from the date they became fully vaccinated; 
  • From January 31, 2022  — where it has been three months from the date they became fully vaccinated. 

 For more information see: COVID-19 Support

What do I need to do? 

Affected businesses need to communicate the new requirements to employees and take steps to ensure that relevant employees have received their third vaccination within the required time frame. 

CCIWA Workplace Relations Director Ryan Martin says businesses are required to maintain vaccine records under the Government directions. 

“My advice to employers would be to, where possible, just sight your employees’ evidence, such as vaccination certificates, and keep your own records,” Martin says. 

Ideally these records should include the dates that the employees have received their first, second and third doses to allow you to identify when employees may be required to have any further vaccination.  

Given the rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic it is foreseeable that further booster shots may be required in the future. 

For general advice on your individual situation call CCIWA’s Employee Relations Advice Centre on (08) 9365 7660 or via [email protected].  

For legal advice specific to your situation, contact our team of Workplace Relations lawyers on (08) 9365 7746 or via [email protected]. 

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