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Our experienced client-focused commercial lawyers offer practical legal solutions for businesses of all sizes. Working with local West Australian businesses across a range of industries, our trusted team offers commercial law services and hands-on assistance to ensure you remain compliant to focus on and grow your business.
Offering a full range of corporate and commercial law services including business contracts and commercial agreements, corporate governance and data privacy, our team provides practical and strategic solutions for your business.
Our approachable, experienced Commercial Lawyers offer practical, strategic and proactive commercial legal advice to protect your business interests and minimise risks.
Our Legal Guides and Toolkits provide practical, ready-to-use policies that can be customised to meet your business compliance needs.
Is your business protected against the latest independent contractor laws?
With recent changes in contractor laws, outdated contractor agreements could be exposing your business to steep penalties. Can your business afford that kind of risk?
To help, we’re offering a fixed-price Independent Contractor Agreement Review for $700+GST (up to 2 hours of expert analysis)
To take up this offer either call us on 08 9365 7746 or email us on [email protected] to get your agreements reviewed.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Is your business legally protected and compliant? Our free online Business Compliance Health Check helps you evaluate the legal risks across your business structure, intellectual property, securities, contracts, regulations and governance.
Telephone: 08 9365 7560
Email: [email protected]
Alternatively, you can complete this form and someone from our Commercial Law team will contact you.
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