CCIWA is proud to support The Smith Family charity
With Members’ voluntary contributions via our Education Development Fund (EDF), we are able to help 75 young Australians overcome educational inequality caused by poverty by supporting The Smith Family.
We know education is a powerful change agent. Keeping children in school for longer – and keeping them engaged in learning – offers better life outcomes.
The Smith Family, a national children’s education charity, exists to support the education of children experiencing disadvantage so that every child has the opportunity to change their future. Their core Learning for Life program supports almost 60,000 young Australians.
Each child in the program receives:
- Financial support: for school essentials such as books and uniforms.
- Personal support: for the child and their family to help children stay motivated at school, complete their education and go on to further training or work.
- Practical support: through their extra learning and mentoring programs tailored to each child’s needs.
Members’ contributions, together with CCIWA’s support, are helping to empower these young individuals to harness education and fostering brighter opportunities for our future workforce.
Together, we can build a more buoyant future where all young people have the chance to thrive.