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Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA

With over 130 years of experience representing WA businesses, we’re ready to help with the resources and advice you need to succeed.

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Employee Relations Helpline

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Legal Services

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Optima Partners and CCIWA

Innovative and personalised accounting, taxation and business advisory services that focus on delivering the best results to help your business grow.

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Construction & Mining IR Services

Construction & Mining IR Services

We offer extensive, independent and practical industrial and labour relations support to the engineering, construction and mining industries.

Workplace Training & Development

Workplace Training & Development

Unlock the potential of your business with our suite of staff training and development programs, crafted by workplace relations experts and tailored to your business needs.

Apprenticeship Support Australia WA

Apprenticeship Support Australia WA

Our dedicated team specialises in assisting employers maximise the benefits of investing in apprenticeships and traineeships to build local skills for the diverse WA workforce. Our team of experts will provide all the advice, support and services you need — free of charge.

Work Integrated Learning – Internships

Work Integrated Learning - Internships

Tap into WA’s future workforce with our Work Integrated Learning – Internships program. This free service facilitates university student work experience placements for your business.

Industry Capability Network WA

Industry Capability Network WA

Connecting your business with mining, construction, infrastructure, defence and other major projects using the ICN Gateway.

International Trade Services

International Trade Services

Take your business global using our comprehensive suite of international trade services to streamline importing and exporting, reduce risks and identify international partners.

One-stop approvals must be pursued without delay

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA welcomes the release this week of the Samuel Review into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. The review highlights the duplication between state and federal environmental laws, and the threat this poses to investment in Western Australia.

The review recommends a WA-Commonwealth bilateral environmental approvals agreement be struck under the Act. Such an agreement would address the slow, complex and costly duplication of processes between the state and federal laws. Importantly, this wasteful duplication can be addressed without compromising the quality of regulatory oversight or Australia’s high standards of environmental rigour.

The review also proposes the development of granular National Environmental Standards in consultation with stakeholders. It is critical that the development of National Environmental Standards does not delay the pursuit of a bilateral agreement with Western Australia. If necessary, interim standards should be developed to ensure a bilateral agreement can be achieved in a timely way. Western Australia has considerable experience and expertise when it comes to major projects and environmental assessment, demonstrating over a long period that it can effectively accommodate the national interest when it comes to environmental regulation.

At the start of 2020, there were $80 billion in planned or possible major projects across the resources and agriculture sectors. It is critical not just to Western Australia’s economic recovery, but to Australia’s recovery more broadly, that major projects and the thousands of associated jobs are delivered without costly and unnecessary delays. Avoiding any further delays in the development of a bilateral agreement between the State and Commonwealth Governments is critical to unlocking productivity, stimulating capital investment and fuelling Australia’s recovery amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aaron Morey

CCIWA Chief Economist

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