Chris Rodwell
With lockdown due to end at 6pm tonight, it’s time for all West Australians to rally around our business community and bring our economy back to life.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) welcomes confirmation that WA has recorded no COVID-19 cases in the course of this five-day lockdown.
The WA business community has carried the hard cost of this snap lockdown in lost bookings, lost sales, perished stock and wages for staff who can’t work. CCIWA has worked with hundreds of members to navigate the restrictions and to support the success of the lockdown.
Though we acknowledge the State Government’s announcement of a $500 offset on electricity for 85,000 WA businesses, it does not come close to covering the full cost of the lockdown. This relief is an important first step. CCIWA has been providing input to the Government throughout the week and it is essential the Government remains open to further relief. Potential options may be to provide tax relief, cash flow support or the waiver of government fees and charges. Businesses in accommodation, hospitality and manufacturing have outlined tough operating conditions.
The experience in other States is that the return to normal post-lockdown can be long and painful. We need to do all we can to fast-track this recovery.
With today’s achievement, we encourage businesses to bring their people back to the workplace as soon as is practical. This is critical to bringing life back into commercial and retail centres.